Zelg Galešić became a member of the Fight Nation Championship advisory board
At the last event in Zagreb, big things were announced in the new year, expansion and departure to Croatia's neighboring countries, and Zelgo Galešić's expertise will definitely come in handy on that road..
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At every Fight Nation Championship event, we saw him in the corner as a coach who created two FNC champions so far, he helped a lot with the organization of the magnificent event in Pula, and now Zelg Galešić has joined the team as part of the FNC advisory board. And.
- Zelg is a man who lives MMA, a fighter whom we admired when he performed around the world, a trainer from whose club many top fighters came out and an organizer of events where some of the most famous fighters in the region took their first steps, such as FNC champion Ivan Vitasović, Daniel Bažant and others. His experience, reputation in the martial arts world and the contacts he has will definitely contribute to even faster growth and progress of the FNC organization - Dražen Forgač, the head of the organization, said about the reinforcement.
At the last event in Zagreb, big things were announced in the new year, expansion and departure to Croatia's neighboring countries, and Zelgo Galešić's expertise will certainly come in handy on that path. There were big reinforcements coming to the cage, and now another one is coming - outside it.
- Zelg has practically always been a part of FNC in his own way, and now we have officially added him to our MMA family. His expertise and openness to people will greatly help us in achieving the goals of the organization, and I wish him the best of luck in his further work and new successes in life - one of the co-owners, Bob Berman, was clear.
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