The main participants of FNC 8 announced the event: Batinić and Trušček got new opponents
Unfortunately, there were changes to the card, but the FNC team again reacted quickly and found replacements. Matej Batinić (30, 15-5), Ivica Trušček (39, 41-37) and Luka Giorgadze (4-1) received substitute opponents.
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We are less than a week away from the FNC 8 event and the finals of the 'Armagedon Jamnica Pro Sport' MMA league. Some of the main participants of the evening announced the event and answered the questions of the gathered journalists. Unfortunately, there were changes to the card, but the FNC team again reacted quickly and found replacements. Matej Batinić (30, 15-5), Ivica Trušček (39, 41-37) and Luka Giorgadze (4-1) received substitute opponents.
Terror will fight against the well-known Tonči Peruško, while Luka Giorgadze will go against Denislav Hadziev (23, 1-1). Matej Batinić will go to the experienced Dritan Bajramaj (44, 17-21) instead of the Pole, Mateusz Strzelcyk (31, 11-13-1).
The fighters announced their upcoming challenges, and it is always a pleasure to hear Ivica Trušček, who has stepped into the arena more than 70 times, and now has the opportunity to share some advice with much younger colleagues. And he commented on the change of opponent. Namely, the Austrian with Serbian roots, Marko Kisić, will not perform on Saturday.
- An Austrian Balkan leg locker was supposed to come and want to tear off my legs, but the one who wants to tear off my head will come. I was more afraid of the first one, but I think the second match will be more interesting. Legend? You prefer to call me Ivica, that's good enough. After the last match, I decided that if you are fighting and if someone is going to hit you, it would be better to feel it in training than to do it like I did before Pula. The boys don't spare me, and this eye injury happened at the last sparring match, so now I have an alibi that I'm not ugly, but broken - Trušček joked about the mentioned eye injury.
- Advice for guys? I can serve as an example of what not to do. If the coach tells you that you shouldn't, that the chances of defeat are greater, listen to the coach, manager or whoever you trust, don't be a stubborn mule like me - said the popular 'Terror.
Matej Batinić is returning to MMA fights after a long time, and now, he experienced a change of opponent at the last moment. He also answered the question about ring rust, but that should not be a problem for him, because he has been active in savate boxing for some time, where he became the world champion.
- I don't think that ring rust will affect that, my performances in Savate Boxing are martial type and it is much more similar than grappling matches. I don't think it should have an effect - emphasized Matej and added.
- I am active all the time, I am in the gym non-stop. This impossibility of arranging matches on time, which is now made possible by cooperation with Forgy, resulted in me finally arranging a match and starting with what I love. I've been preparing for a good two and a half months, I don't know, we'll see - concluded Batinić.
Two participants of the Armagedon final were also present, namely Abraham Are and Filip Lokas. The two will not have an easy task, but both are convinced that they have everything to win their matches.
- The boy flew in on short notice and has a lot of respect from me. For something like that, you need to have it in your head and be a little crazy. I know that a purple belt is in jiu jitsu and I must not underestimate it. I want to show that I am among the most complete fighters in Europe - I started Abi and he continued.
- I expected to 'battle' with David and he suited me stylistically, I thought I would make a good change. Unfortunately, he dropped out, the opponent has a purple belt in jiu jitsu, but nothing should change - he concluded.
Filip Lokas is ready and is confident of his victory. Physical fitness should not come into question, and he believes that he is of much better quality than his opponent.
- I expect a tough fight, I'm ready for anything. I expect to win and I will show that on Saturday. It is a great honor for me to train with Ivica and to sit with Ivica, I am demanding in everything - emphasized Lokas.
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