
FNC singed the Portuguese who excelled in Zabok: Leandro Gomes is the new fighter of the FNC

In a 'superfight' against Stefan Veselinović (0-1), he dominated three rounds and deservedly won and earned a contract.

Everyone knew he was attractive, but what he did in Zabok delighted everyone present. The Portuguese, Leandro Gomes (19, 2-1), who is only 19 years old, earned a contract in the Fight Nation Championship with a great performance at the Armagedon event in Zabok.

In the "superfight" against Stefan Veselinović (0-1), he dominated three rounds and deservedly won. The attractive moves and the show he provided, won the sympathy of the entire hall. We expect the young Portuguese at one of the upcoming events, where he will surely provide a new dose of show.

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